A bit anxious, quiet, and unassuming, she yields only to Patches in her herd. She quietly goes where she pleases, often accompanied by her best friend, Bambi. Healthwise, Mollie has had a few unusual issues to deal with. She is a good patient, usually standing nicely for her medical treatment. She is a favorite with some of our older students.
Birthday: 05/1998

At first, Reno might play hard to get. He is the lead horse in his small herd and more wary than Deb and Soldier. Perhaps this is because his sire (father) picked him up by his neck and slammed him against the wall when he was just a colt. He still has a large scar on his neck from this incident. Often with someone, he knows and trusts; he will walk up and gently lick an outstretched hand. It’s interesting that he is one more likely to move and fidget while being brushed because he was once a show horse and thus very well trained. During round pen work and riding, he is very steady and well behaved. He is a very gentle and sweet natured Palomino
Birthday: 05/1997

Soldier loves people...and FOOD! He is gentle enough for some of the smaller children to lead, but if there is something to eat nearby, it takes a determined person to get him past it! His original owner used to abuse him with a 2X4. Despite his past, he is curious and interested in people, especially children. Due to having pins in his right front foot, he is not rideable except for our very smallest riders. He will always have an important place at Narrow Gate as one of the first picks for leading and brushing.
Birthday: 05/2000

Bambi (Bamboozled) - Mare
Bambi is quiet and confident. During chore time, she tends to stay off by herself or with her best horse friend, Mollie. In sessions with the children, however, she is very responsive and quick to connect.
Birthday: 05/20/2001

Maggie is the lowest ranking member in her herd. She is more timid than others and can be fearful in new situations. A brave leader helps her feel more comfortable. She likes people and will often come up and ask for extra attention at chore time.

As the boss mare at the ranch, Patches is alert and assertive. It is good to practice these same qualities when handling her or you will soon find she is the one leading you! She loves being with people, especially if there is a good chin scratch involved.

Jethro is a 10-year-old miniature horse who has tons of spunk and personality! He’s a great teacher on learning determination, boundaries, and assertiveness. As a young horse, Jethro had been found abandoned in a field. He was way underweight and didn’t trust humans. It took a long time both at the rescue and at our sister ministry for him to learn to trust and like humans again. Today, Jethro loves people - especially kids. He is usually one of the first horses to come say Hi. He is curious, loves attention, and wants to be in the middle of things - even when sometimes we don’t want him to! But his story of neglect and abandonment resonate with so many of our kids - who have also experienced that.

Pumpkin is a 9-year-old miniature horse who is just the biggest sweetheart we have! We don’t know much of her background, but we do know she was loved and adored by an owner who, due to health reasons, was no longer able to care for her. So she was surrendered to the Indiana Horse Rescue before a similar equine therapy program adopted her. She is now at Narrow Gate and she absolutely loves kids! She is a calm, safe, and wonderful trustworthy horse for our more timid children to start with. She is best friends with Jethro and usually makes sure to be near to him but she also gets along well with her other horsey friends.

Mae Mae is a miniature horse who is probably somewhere in her mid-teens. She loves attention and is adorable but can be spunky as well! Mae Mae recently spent many months recovering from a severe case of founder, which is a very painful hoof condition that can sometimes end a horse’s life. However, this spunky little horse never gave up. She pushed through a tremendous amount of pain with a will to live and overcome. Her story of overcoming pain and difficulty connects with many of our kiddos teaching them that too can overcome.

Deb - Retired
Deb is one of our go-to horses when we need a horse for the children to bathe, brush, or lead. She had a tragedy strike her former owner a few years ago and she lost her. It has been wonderful to see the light come into her eyes as she has once again found her purpose working with children. She can be a little bit pushy to lead, which is excellent for teaching boundary setting and assertiveness skills. Her best friend is Soldier.
Birthday: 11/1998

Sabbath - Retired
Sabbath was a caring mother and prize winning show horse. An infection took her right eye more than a decade ago, but she has adapted to her limited sight by staying close to her herd and being extra aware. She continues in her nurturing ways with the kids who visit the ranch - ever patient, always kind.