God Is Speaking

God Is Speaking

God is always speaking to us and especially to our kids at the ranch. During one class, a young girl got to experience God speaking directly to her for the first time. 

Tia has been coming to Narrow Gate Horse Ranch for a few sessions. She had earned the beautiful trust between the horses on the ground and was ready to get in the saddle to ride. For many kids, this is the first time they get to ride a horse in their lives, and they are so excited to have the opportunity.

This particular evening, Tia arrived at the ranch and wasn’t acting like herself. She was excited to be there, but her mind was in another place. We started class by asking for prayer requests, and Tia asked if I could pray for her. She said it was a hard week and needed prayer for some struggles. 

So I prayed for her and the other girl that was in class that evening. 

After I finished, Tia asked me if I ever heard words in my head as I prayed. I was a little confused at what she meant so asked her to elaborate. She then asked, if sometimes when I pray, if I ever have words that keep repeating in my mind. 

I asked her if that is what had happened to her and what the words were. She said, 


“I was created for a purpose.” 

I looked at her with a giant smile and asked, “Do you know who is saying that?” 

She said, “Is it God?” I joyfully said, “YES!” I explained to her that God is talking to her all the time, and we worked through an exercise that she can do anywhere, anytime, and God can speak to her. Isn’t that cool? We have access to a living God that enjoys speaking to us. 

The next week came, and Tia returned to the ranch. She had been having trouble feeling calm and safe while riding the horses throughout the previous five weeks, so this evening we had one more time to try. In the classroom, I explained to her that God not only speaks directly to us through our thoughts, like He did last week, but 

He also speaks to us 

through His Word. 

I gave her an index card with Isaiah 41:10 on it and told her that tonight, when she was riding Hadleigh, to remember that God is with her and He will strengthen her and help her just like His Word says. 

And just like God always does, He showed up that evening with Tia. 

She had an amazing ride with Hadleigh and didn’t need any support from the facilitators. Her face was filled with joy, and she couldn’t stop smiling. 

Back in the classroom, I asked Tia to journal how God helped her ride Hadleigh. She said, “I felt God’s hands holding me up the entire time.” 

Tia ended her six week session knowing that she was created for a purpose, God is helping and strengthening her, and He speaks to her every day in many ways. 

The same is true for you. 

You were created for a purpose. 

God is helping and 

strengthening you

He is speaking to you 

every day in many ways. 

-Kaitlyn Kennedy

*students’ names and photos are always  

changed for anonymity

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.“ - Isaiah 41:10