2023 Derby Ball Recap

2023 Derby Ball Recap

What struck me first were the hats. Beautiful ones. Every time I turned around. Women in beautiful dresses. Men looking quite dapper… even the ones in the pink suits. Perfect!

It was an amazing party. If someone was to wander through quickly and see all the festivities, hear the music, taste the dessert, it would have seemed just that - a grand party. 

However, if you were there, you know it was so much more than a party.

If you were there, you heard from our kids’ own mouths what growing up in poverty was like for them. You heard what it meant for Antuwanette, Hannah, and Sara to go to a place called Narrow Gate. And suddenly, it was maybe one of the most important parties you’d ever been to. 

We cannot overemphasize what the arena will mean for our kids.

We do not tire in telling you, our generous, kind community, that you are helping to change the trajectory of children’s lives. You may not personally know Kiera, Trent, Julian, or Shay, but you are touching their lives. You are helping to create a unique experience for them with a horse. At the ranch, children can learn what peace can feel like. They get to experience firsthand what it’s like to have caring mentors who listen and pray for them. They get to learn that they can do things that they never thought possible. 

So, thanks for partying with us! Thanks for wearing those gorgeous hats and parading around with us. Thanks for cheering on as Mage won. Thanks for dancing and laughing.

Thank you for sharing YOUR stories and compliments. Thank you for sharing your finances. And, thank you for listening to our kids. Thank you for seeing them. 

See you at the races May 4, 2024!!