“It’s a Wonderful Life”, nearly eight decades later, this Christmas classic is still one of the most popular Christmas shows of all time. Why is that? Is it because we all need to know that our life has meaning? That we all have a purpose in life? That we all make a difference? The simple answer to all of these questions is yes! Even the smallest gesture, a smile, a compliment, a thank you, can change the world.

Things we often take for granted can change the trajectory of another life. Simple gestures are often magnified in the eyes of children living in a world of poverty, neglect, or abuse. Stooping down to look into the empty eyes of a two-year-old just to give them your full attention seems like second nature to many, but to a child living in a crib with a bottle of Kool-Aid and little adult interaction, it is a gift. Expectant anticipation is not present. Pretty paper and a big red bow are nowhere to be found. But it is still a gift nonetheless. It is a gift of life. A gift that won’t be easily forgotten.

I was reminded of this in September when the ranch hosted a reunion for the now young adults who inspired the vision for Narrow Gate over 14 years ago. These were the toddlers and kiddos who we bent down to look into their eyes and offer words of comfort. Some were but infants. Others were five or six years old.

Although they inspired Narrow Gate and looked forward to a ranch in Kokomo, they grew up before it came to fruition. Some stayed in touch, others only by Facebook, but nearly ALL responded to the invitation to attend a reunion. Hugs, laughter, memories, and tears were all shared that afternoon as they each had a chance to share their stories and life goals one by one. Some of them introduced their spouses and others their own children. One young man stood up straight and tall and spoke with clarity and confidence. He proudly explained that he was in the army reserves, had just made sergeant, and was working full time at Amazon in Ft Wayne. This might not sound like such a big deal, but to those of us who remember him as a nine-year-old boy, we know that he had a severe speech impediment. As I was preparing for the reunion the night before the event, I ran across a prayer that he had written back in 2010. It said, “Dear Je(s)us, I wish that you could help me get rid of my speech problems help me learn how to talk the way everybody talks.” I shared that prayer with him at the reunion.

He didn’t remember writing it, but smiled as I whispered, “He answered your prayer!”

His wasn’t the only prayer answered. The fact that these Gen Zs could have been anywhere else on a beautiful September Saturday, but chose to come to a stable is a testament to answered prayers. Watching them lean into the TV screen just waiting to catch a photo of themselves during a video presentation of their childhood years at horse ranch made me realize the impact it has had on their lives. Funny thing is, they have impacted my life even more.

Jesus said, “The poor you will always have with you.” It might appear that children in poverty don’t have a wonderful life. In fact, at times, I don’t feel like my life is wonderful. This shouldn’t surprise us. The Word also tells us that there will always be trials and tribulations. Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” This verse shows our responsibility to one another. As followers of Christ, we carry within us a gift. The same gift that God gave to us in a stable. Let’s share that free gift this Christmas season with someone who needs to know that their life does have meaning, that they have a purpose, and that they make a difference...because in Jesus it IS a WONDERFUL LIFE!

-Susan Zody